Sunday, February 10, 2013

Feeling like a slug, go ride!

Bummed about not riding in the Tour de Palm Springs this year. Rode around the neighborhood just to get out of the house.

Ride Link:

Had a reaction to my first infusion of Erbitux so they gave me a 9-day dose of Prednisone. Broke out in the worst case of zits ever. Good thing this won't last.

More Erbitux on Monday, gastro tube inserted on Tuesday (oh boy) and start radiation on Wednesday.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Sexiest Bike Video

I admit to having a lot time on my hands (cancer and underemployed), so I've been researching bicycle videos. I like to occasionally post them on my two bike web sites: and There are a lot of first person vidoes on YouTube, but most of are average quality. On I've found some well produced projects. These are the sexiest bike video I've seen.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Ride Envy

I went to the office yesterday and put in half a day, all I could stand. Shame on me, I drove the old Jeep. My excuse? It was early and cold. I left at 12:30 and took the widow canvas off, it had warmed up. On my way home I passed a dozen riders about my age at a 4-way stop on my way to the store,  Looked like they were on their way to Old Town La Quita or points south. Good for them, sad for me. Still not strong enough. Damn.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A good day

My dear friend Andrea took me out golfing yesterday. Sunny and mid 60's, what great weather, sorry for those in the rest of the country. It was a short course, lots of ponds (golf ball magnets) and a bargain on at $15 each - wow!

We were paired up with a nice couple from Wisconsin who played at our level. We all contributed balls to the water but had a great time, not taking it too seriously.

I think it's been a year since I've golfed. I'd decided not to golf until I was working full time again but couldn't pass up the price, and I needed a treat. Radiation therapy on my neck will probably start week after next.

Next Monday I start getting an infusion of Irbetux, 3 hours. Then on a weekly basis during radiation treatment. Side effects include breaking out like I was in high school again. Oh boy.

Monday, January 28, 2013


No cycling today. Had to meet with a dentist to get pre-screened for my impending radiation therapy. I'll be getting a mouth guard that will keep my tongue out of the way and also shield my gold crown. It should be ready Thursday.

It will probably be another week before starting treatment - 5 days a week for 6 weeks.

Another oncologist appoint this afternoon too.

My dear friend Andrea has arranged for golf tomorrow on a short course. Yea! I thinks it's been almost a year since I've golfed.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Another short ride.

Finished Cycle: Jan 24, 2013, 2:09:49 PM
Route: New Route
Google Maps URL:
Import URL:
Ride Time: 52:56
Stopped Time: 4:43
Distance: 10.74 miles
Average: 12.17 mph
Fastest Speed: 25.00 mph
Ascent: 371 feet
Descent: 411 feet
Calories: 701